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Chlorine oxidation of VOCs at a semi-rural site in Beijing: significant chlorine liberation from ClNOsub2/sub and subsequent gas- and particle-phase Cl–VOC production

机译:北京半农村遗址VOCS的氯氧化:来自CLNO 2 和随后的气体和粒子相CL-VOC生产的显着氯释放



Nitryl chloride (ClNO2) accumulation at nightacts as a significant reservoir for active chlorine and impacts the followingday's photochemistry when the chlorine atom is liberated at sunrise. Here, wereport simultaneous measurements of N2O5 and a suite ofinorganic halogens including ClNO2 and reactions of chloridewith volatile organic compounds (Cl–VOCs) in the gas andparticle phases utilising the Filter Inlet for Gas and AEROsols time-of-flight chemical ionisation massspectrometer (FIGAERO-ToF-CIMS) during an intensive measurementcampaign 40 km northwest of Beijing in May and June 2016. A maximum mixingratio of 2900 ppt of ClNO2 was observed with a mean campaignnighttime mixing ratio of 487 ppt, appearing to have an anthropogenicsource supported by correlation with SO2, CO and benzene, whichoften persisted at high levels after sunrise until midday. This wasattributed to such high mixing ratios persisting after numerous e-foldingtimes of the photolytic lifetime enabling the chlorine atom production toreach 2.3  ×  105 molecules cm−3 from ClNO2alone, peaking at 09:30 LTand up to 8.4  ×  105 molecules cm−3 when including thesupporting inorganic halogen measurements.Cl–VOCs were observed in the particle and gas phases for the first time athigh time resolution and illustrate how the iodide ToF-CIMS can detect uniquemarkers of chlorine atom chemistry in ambient air from both biogenic andanthropogenic sources. Their presence and abundance can be explained via timeseries of their measured and steady-state calculated precursors, enabling theassessment of competing OH and chlorine atom oxidation via measurements ofproducts from both of these mechanisms and their relative contribution tosecondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation.
机译:Nitryl氯化物(ClNO2)在夜间积累作为活性氯的重要水库,并影响以下内容当日出时氯原子释放时的一天的光化学。在这里,我们报告N2O5的同时测量和套件无机卤素包括ClNO2和氯化物的反应气体中的挥发性有机化合物(CL-VOC)和利用过滤器入口的颗粒阶段用于气体和气溶胶的飞行时间化学离子电离质量光谱仪(Figaero-Tof-CIMS)在密集测量期间2016年5月和6月北京西北40公里的竞选活动最大用平均运动观察到CLNO2的2900 ppt的比例夜间混合比例为487 ppt,出现有一个人为的通过与SO2,CO和苯相关的相关来源,在日出后往往持续在高水平直到中午。这是归因于许多电子折叠后持续存在的这种高混合比光解寿命的时间使氯原子产生给从CLNO2达到2.3×105分子CM-3单独,在09:30达到峰值当包括最高可达8.4×105分子CM-3时第一次在颗粒和气相中观察到无机卤素测量.CL-VOC高时间分辨率并说明碘化物TOF-CIMS如何检测独特生物生成和氯气中氯原子化学标记人为来源。他们的存在和丰富可以通过时间解释它们的测量和稳态计算的前体系列,使能通过测量评估竞争OH和氯原子氧化来自这两个机制的产品及其相对贡献二次有机气溶胶(SOA)形成。


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