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Benthic Invertebrate Communities and Habitat Characterization of the Pourtalès Terrace, Florida with Analysis of the Deepwater Coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern and the East Hump Marine Protected Area




The Pourtalès Terrace is a gently curved, narrow triangular platform that parallels the Florida Keys for 213 km running from southern Key Largo to between Key West and the Marquesas Keys. The main Terrace surface begins in 200 m and dips gently to approximately 450 m, where the Pourtalès Escarpment slopes steeply to the deep floor of the southern Straits of Florida. The Terrace platform exhibits a wide variety of Neogene-age geological features, including high-relief ledges, mounds, sinkholes and deep-water biogenic build-ups called bioherms. Previous research revealed dense and diverse benthic assemblages dominated by stylasterid hydrocorals, octocorals and sponges.Many Terrace features also represent popular, long-term fishing targets. Due to concerns about resource sustainability, (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) included the Terrace in the Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1 (CE-BA 1, June 2010) that protects deep-water Coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (CHAPCs) along the southeastern U.S continental margin by prohibiting use of a variety of potentially damaging bottom fishing gear. NOAA also established the East Hump Marine Protected Area (MPA) as a Type II MPA, permanently closed to fishing for and possession of snapper and grouper species.To develop a more robust database on Terrace habitats and resources, a research cruise (September 2011) used ROV Kraken 2 to survey 14 sites both inside and outside the CHAPC and MPA for biological diversity, density, and distribution, with a focus on deep-sea coral and sponge assemblages. The surveys resulted in 58 h of videotape, 2,866 images, and collected 150 specimens of benthic invertebrates. All dive sites were mapped with multibeam sonar.This project used Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe)©, PRIMER 6.1.10 beta, JMP© statistical software, and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcMap 10.3 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to quantitatively analyze transect images and video from the ROV transects. This information was used to characterize dive sites in terms of benthic invertebrate faunal communities, depth, and topography; and compare results relative to protected versus unprotected sites.Of the 14 sites surveyed 10 were analyzed and split into 42 transects of approximately 30 m2 based on five depth and location bin classes. Each site was initially separated into habitat types based on qualitative geomorphologic features for statistical analysis (i.e., mound slope, mound wall, mound top, deep mound, valley, Lophelia mound, sinkhole), using methods established by Reed et al. (2011; 2014). In initial analysis, depth and location were found to be superior to geomorphology as an indicator of what was driving differences in communities among transects. As a result each transect was placed into one of five depth and location bin classes based on depth (m) of each image and location relating to CHAPC/MPA area borders: West 150-300 m (12 transects), North Central 150-250 m (14), Central 250-300 m (8), South 450-500m (5) and South 500-550 m (3).Distinct differences in communities of each depth and location bin class in relation to percent cover and organism density were apparent. Communities vary strongly among bins with some similarities: e.g., West 150-300, North-Central 150-250, and Central 250-300 all included Stylaster miniatus (Stylasteridae): South 450-500 and South 500-550 included Paramuricea sp. 3 among their most dominant species. Also similar species were found within similar depth ranges. Protection status (within CHAPC, CHAPC/MPA, or No Protection) did not affect differences in communities, suggesting protection regulations have not been implemented long enough to show significant differences between protected and unprotected sites. Several new geologic features were found e.g., the southernmost Lophelia pertusa coral mound in U.S. waters. Some important features were described that lie outside of CHAPC/MPA borders, suggesting new borders should be designated.Results showed a strong relationship between depth and location in forming deep-water communities, and that these factors could be used as proxies for creating habitat maps in unmapped areas. These results will also provide managers and scientists with a valuable baseline for assessing benthic invertebrate communities, their changes over time, and the effectiveness of protected areas on the Pourtalès Terrace.
机译:PourtalèsTerrace是一个柔和弯曲的狭窄三角形平台,与佛罗里达礁岛平行,从基拉戈南部到基韦斯特和马克斯萨斯礁之间有213公里。露台的主要表面开始于200 m,然后缓慢下倾至大约450 m,在此处Pourtalès悬崖陡峭地倾斜到佛罗里达海峡南部的深层。 Terrace平台具有各种新近纪时代的地质特征,包括高浮雕壁架,土墩,污水坑和称为生物礁的深水生物成因。先前的研究表明,密集的和多样的底栖动物组合以触须类水生珊瑚,八角珊瑚和海绵为主,许多梯田特征也代表了受欢迎的长期捕鱼目标。由于对资源可持续性的担忧,(美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)和南大西洋渔业管理委员会(SAFMC)将梯田纳入了基于生态系统的综合修正案1(CE-BA,2010年6月1日),旨在保护通过禁止使用各种潜在破坏性的底捕鱼具,在美国东南部沿海边缘的特别关注的珊瑚栖息地地区(CHAPCs),NOAA还建立了东驼峰海洋保护区(MPA)作为II型MPA,对为了开发有关梯田生境和资源的更强大的数据库,一项研究航行(2011年9月)使用ROV Kraken 2来调查CHAPC和MPA内外的14个地点的生物多样性,密度进行了58小时的录像带,2,866张图像,并收集了150个底栖动物标本无脊椎动物。所有潜水地点均使用多束声纳进行了测绘。该项目使用具有Excel扩展(CPCe)©,PRIMER 6.1.10 beta,JMP©统计软件和环境系统研究所(ESRI)ArcMap 10.3地理信息系统(GIS)的珊瑚点计数定量分析ROV样面的样面图像和视频。该信息用于根据底栖无脊椎动物动物群落,深度和地形来表征潜水点;并比较了受保护站点和未受保护站点的结果。在五个被调查的14个站点中,根据五个深度和位置分类,将其分成大约30平方米的42个样带。首先使用Reed等人建立的方法,根据定性地貌特征将每个站点划分为栖息地类型,以进行统计分析(即土丘坡度,土丘壁,土丘顶,深土丘,谷地,罗非利亚土丘,下沉孔)。 (2011; 2014)。在初步分析中,深度和位置被认为优于地貌学,可作为驱动样带间社区差异的指标。结果,根据每个图像的深度(m)和与CHAPC / MPA区域边界有关的位置,将每个样条放入五个深度和位置分类中的一个类别中:西部150-300 m(12个样点),中北部150-250 m(14),中部250-300 m(8),南部450-500m(5)和南部500-550 m(3)。每种深度和位置分类的群落相对于覆盖率和生物密度的不同很明显。垃圾箱之间的社区差异很大,有一些相似之处:例如,西部150-300,中北部150-250和中部250-300均包括小型Stylaster miniatus(Stylasteridae):South 450-500和South 500-550包括Paramuricea sp。在其最主要的物种中有3个。在相似的深度范围内也发现了相似的物种。保护状态(在CHAPC,CHAPC / MPA或“无保护”范围内)不会影响社区中的差异,这表明保护法规的实施时间不足以显示受保护站点和不受保护站点之间的重大差异。发现了几个新的地质特征,例如美国水域中最南端的Lophelia pertusa珊瑚丘。描述了CHAPC / MPA边界之外的一些重要特征,建议应指定新边界。结果表明,在形成深水群落时深度与位置之间存在很强的关系,这些因素可以用作创建栖息地图的代理在未映射的区域。这些结果还将为管理人员和科学家提供宝贵的基线,以评估底栖无脊椎动物群落,它们随时间的变化以及PourtalèsTerrace保护区的有效性。


  • 作者

    Ash Jana K.;

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  • 年度 2015
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