首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Bicycle Compatibility Index: A Level of Service Concept, Implementation Manual

Bicycle Compatibility Index: A Level of Service Concept, Implementation Manual




Determining how existing traffic operations and geometric conditions impact a211u001ebicyclist's decision to use a specific roadway is the first step in determining 211u001ethe bicycle compatibility of the roadway. This research effort was undertaken to 211u001edevelop a methodology for deriving a bicycle compatibility index (BCI) that could 211u001ebe used by practitioners to evaluate the capability of specific roadways of 211u001especific roadways to accommodate both motorists and bicyclists. The BCI 211u001emethodology was developed for urban and suburban roadway segments (i.e., midblock 211u001elocations that are exclusive of major intersections) and incorporated those 211u001evariables which bicyclists typically use to assess the 'bicycle friendliness' of 211u001ea roadway (e.g., curb lane width, traffic volume, and vehicle speeds). The 211u001edeveloped tool will allow practitioners to evaluate existing facilities in order 211u001eto determine what improvements may be required as well as to determine the 211u001egeometric and operational requirements for new facilities.



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