首页> 美国政府科技报告 >High Reolution Imaging in Small Animals with PET, MR and Other Modalities.211 Instruments and Applications in Modern Biomedical Research. Program-Abstracts. 211 (Meetings). Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on September 27-29, 1999

High Reolution Imaging in Small Animals with PET, MR and Other Modalities.211 Instruments and Applications in Modern Biomedical Research. Program-Abstracts. 211 (Meetings). Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on September 27-29, 1999

机译:pET,mR和其他模式的小动物高重组成像.1111现代生物医学研究中的仪器和应用。程序摘要。 211(会议)。 1999年9月27日至29日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行



The past few years have seen an explosive growth in the development and211u001eapplication of modern imaging technologies to the study of small experimental 211u001eanimals. HiRes, originally conceived to highlight small animal PET imaging, has 211u001ebeen expanded in scope to reflect the increasingly broad role played by all of 211u001ethese technologies in modern biomedical research. We believe that HiRes is one of 211u001ethe first international scientific meetings to bring together scientists from 211u001earound the world (thirteen countries are represented) to share their findings in 211u001esmall animal imaging without regard to modality. HiRes will represent a unique 211u001eopportunity to sample state-of-the-art technologies now in use for small animal 211u001eimaging, to compare the functional capabilities of these methods and to identify 211u001eopportunities for cross-modality imaging.



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