首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Record of Decision: Philadelphia International Airport Runway 17-35 Improvements Project

Record of Decision: Philadelphia International Airport Runway 17-35 Improvements Project




This Record of Decision (ROD) provides final agency determinations and environmental approvals for Federal actions of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) necessary to extend Runway 17-35 at the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). The Federal actions are considered in ROD Section 3. This ROD completes a thorough and careful environmental decision making process, including the FAA's public disclosure and review by the FAA decision maker of the analysis of impacts described in the March 2005 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). This ROD has been prepared and issued by the FAA in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. Section 4321, et seq.), the implementing regulations (40 CFR Parts 15001508) and FAA directives (Order 1050.1E and 5050.4A). The ROD is also used to demonstrate and document FAA's compliance with the procedural and substantive requirements and environmental, programmatic, and related statutes and regulations that apply to FAA decisions and actions on proposed runway development and airport expansion projects. The FAA arrived at these determinations and approvals by reviewing the environmental analysis in the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) and all other relevant documents that comprise the EIS Record. Based on this review, it is FAA's finding that implementation of the Proposed Project achieves the Purpose and Need and is the environmentally Preferred Alternative.



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