首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Debt Management: Treasury Has Improved Short-Term Investment Programs, but Should Broaden Investments to Reduce Risks and Increase Return

Debt Management: Treasury Has Improved Short-Term Investment Programs, but Should Broaden Investments to Reduce Risks and Increase Return




Growing debt and net interest costs are a result of persistent fiscal imbalances, which, if left unchecked, threaten to crowd out spending for other national priorities. The return on every federal dollar that the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is able to invest represents an opportunity to reduce interest costs. This report (1) analyzes trends in Treasury's main receipts, expenditures, and cash balances, (2) describes Treasury's current investment strategy, and (3) identifies options for Treasury to consider for improving its return on short-term investments. GAO held interviews with Treasury officials and others and reviewed related documents. In managing the funds that flow through the federal government's account, Treasury frequently accumulates cash because of timing differences between when borrowing occurs, taxes are received, and agency payments are made. Treasury often receives large cash inflows in the middle of the month and makes large, regular payments in the beginning of the month. Treasury uses three short-term vehicles--Treasury Tax & Loan (TT&L) notes, Term Investment Option (TIO) offerings, and limited repurchase agreements (repo)--to invest operating cash.



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