首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Progretto e Sviluppo di Un Set Strumentale per la Valutazione Funzional Della Mano (Design and Development of an Instrumental Set for the Hand Functional Assessment)

Progretto e Sviluppo di Un Set Strumentale per la Valutazione Funzional Della Mano (Design and Development of an Instrumental Set for the Hand Functional Assessment)

机译:progretto e sviluppo di Un set strumentale per la Valutazione Funzional Della mano(设计和开发手工功能评估器乐套装)



Severe neuropathies, arthrosis, tendon inflammations, wrong working habits, repeated use of working devices, elderly pathologies can lead to severe damages to the hand functionality. In order to carry out a hand functionality quantitative assessment an instrumental set of measurement has been designed and built by authors. The instrumental set is based on two types of devices that measure the force each finger exerts against sensorized key during the execution of pressing tasks. In detail, the devices are: two devices, named keyboard, each-one for each hand, for the measurement of the force delivered by the fingers while the fingers press over the five keys mounted on the keyboard, with the hand placed on the device; two devices, named mouse, each-one for each hand, for the measurement of the force the thumb exerts against the only key mounted on the mouse, while grasping this device. A suitable software provide to restitute a visual biofeedback of the expressed force. The proposed instrumental kit is useful to investigate on the hand functionality and could be used to monitor also the recovery of this functionality, during a rehabilitation programme. The kit is easy to be used and could be ready to be applied in a clinical environment and, in a future scenario, in a patient home for a tele-rehabilitation program.



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