首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Control Technology for Bag Opening, Emptying, and Disposal at Glidden Coatings and Resins Plant, Atlanta, Georgia. Walk-Through Survey Report

Control Technology for Bag Opening, Emptying, and Disposal at Glidden Coatings and Resins Plant, Atlanta, Georgia. Walk-Through Survey Report

机译:佐治亚州亚特兰大Glidden Coatings and Resins plant的袋子开启,清空和处理控制技术。演练调查报告



A walk through survey was conducted at Glidden Coating and Resins (SIC-2851) in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 23, 1983. The survey was conducted as part of a study of dust control during bag opening, dumping, and disposal. Potential hazards included clays, titanium-oxide (12137201), various silica (14808607) compounds, diatomaceous earth, calcium-carbonate (3983195), and iron-oxide (1309371). The manual bag opening and disposal operation used both local and general exhaust to remove or dilute air contaminants generated during mixing or loading operations. Ventilation produced a face velocity of 200 feet per minute at the openings where the bags were dumped. The author concludes that the facility represents a general type of operation with a ventilation scheme that is capable of reducing emissions to well below values considered toxic for the materials handled. The facility is not recommended for inclusion in an indepth survey because controls do not cover all phases of operations.



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