首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Innovative Methods to Increase Public Involvement in Superfund CommunityRelations (Superfund Management Review Recommendation No. 43.A)

Innovative Methods to Increase Public Involvement in Superfund CommunityRelations (Superfund Management Review Recommendation No. 43.A)




The directive lists six (6) techniques proven effective in increasing publicinvolvement in the Superfund process. While some are recent innovations, others were developed many years ago, but new and better ways of using them have bolstered their effectiveness. These techniques are citizen work groups, citizen superfund workshops, bilingual communication, citizen awards for participation, increased interviews, and open hous availability sessions. The list does not pretend to be exhaustive. Instead, it shows some of the outreach vehicles Regions have found to be particularly effective in encouraging citizen participation. Regions should make every effort to integrate as many as possible of these activities into the cleanup process.



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