首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Teaching as Acting: A Reconstructive Study of an Action Theoretical Approach toResearch and Development in the Domain of Teaching (Onderwijzen als Handelen: Een Reconstructieve Studie van een Handelings-Theoretische Benadering van Onderzoek en Ontwekkelin

Teaching as Acting: A Reconstructive Study of an Action Theoretical Approach toResearch and Development in the Domain of Teaching (Onderwijzen als Handelen: Een Reconstructieve Studie van een Handelings-Theoretische Benadering van Onderzoek en Ontwekkelin

机译:作为教学的教学:对教学领域研究与发展的行动理论方法的重构研究(Onderwijzen als Handelen:Een Reconstructieve studie van een Handelings-Theoretische Benadering van Onderzoek en Ontwekkelin



The introduction of the study describes five developments regarding research anddevelopment in the domain of teaching. The developments are closely connected with the desire to bridge the gap between the theory and the practice of teaching. Successively, attention is paid to: changes in research on teaching; the impact of research results on the teaching practice; methodological consequences for educational research in general; developments in perspective concerning teacher education; and developments in perspectives concerning teaching. The general introduction anticipates an action theoretical approach to teaching, which underlied a previously executed research and development project that concerned practical teaching by instructors of the eleven Dutch centers for practical agricultural education. The aim of the present study is twofold: on the one hand, a description is given of the project mentioned above; on the other, the most important starting-points and key-concepts that underlied the project are submitted to a reconstruction. Through reconstruction it is attempted to realize a theoretical surplus value and, consequently, to contribute to the consolidation of an action theoretical paradigm regarding research and development in the domain of teaching. (Copyright (c) 1990 Vakgroep Agrarische Onderwijskunde Landbouwuniversiteit, Wageningen, Nederland.)



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