首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Exploring the Role of Pricing as a Congestion Management Tool. Summary of Proceedings: Seminar on the Application of Pricing Principles to Congestion Management. Held in Washington, DC. on July 23, 1991.

Exploring the Role of Pricing as a Congestion Management Tool. Summary of Proceedings: Seminar on the Application of Pricing Principles to Congestion Management. Held in Washington, DC. on July 23, 1991.

机译:探索定价作为拥塞管理工具的作用。会议纪要:定价原则在拥堵管理中的应用研讨会。在华盛顿特区举行。 1991年7月23日。



The report summarizes a Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration seminar on the application of pricing principles to congestion management, held in Washington, D.C. on July 23, 1991. The seminar provided an opportunity for participants representing a wide range of disciplines and interest groups to discuss a variety of policy issues related to congestion pricing. A variety of pricing strategies were proposed, ranging from single-facility variable tolls to area-wide schemes. While there were certainly areas of disagreement, there were also several areas of consensus, e.g., use of revenues raised by congestion pricing must be well thought out and presented in advance, compensation schemes for adversely affected parties must be addressed early on, and reasonable transportation alternatives to priced roads must be available.



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