首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Instrumentation for the Measurement and Modeling of Micropatch AntennasControlled with Embedded Impedance Elements

Instrumentation for the Measurement and Modeling of Micropatch AntennasControlled with Embedded Impedance Elements




This grant provided the equipment necessary to upgrade the Antenna SystemsLaboratory(ASL) thus enhancing our measurement, analysis and simulation capabilities. The Lab supports three graduate assistants and two undergraduate students. In addition a summer program supporting local area High School students is part of the funded lab activities. The funding from this grant has allowed the purchase of new instrumentation for antenna measurements in the anechoic chamber, and for measurements of passive device characteristics in the lab. Additional computational power in support of the modeling effort has also been provided from these funds. In addition to antenna research the Lab has established a web page for dissemination of information about the lab. The web page has a Journal section where all internal ASL reports are available for reading. Some of the reports are further edited to produce papers for submission to outside journals. The ASL Journal provides a method of rapid dissemination of information in more detail that is typically allowed in journal articles. We have found this vehicle to be extremely important for disseminating information within the Lab and also as a breeding ground for outside publications. Current research is directed toward the development of a phase controlled micropatch antenna with the controlling element wholly contained within the patch itself. To date we have produced such a device at 2 GHz and are now transferring the technology to a patch at 10 GHz.



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