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Measurement and Analysis of High-Frequency Scattering Statistics and Sound Speed Dispersion




In many cases, clear mechanisms in areas of increased false alarm (FA) are unclear, although possible causes include rock outcrops and seafloor of mixed bottom type (e.g., mixed rock and sand). The long-term goals of this research program aim primarily to address this shortfall by providing knowledge of the exact mechanisms causing false alarms. This knowledge will be used to develop methods for simulating FA and predicting where high FA areas might occur and the influence of parameters such as slope or aspect on FA levels. Of equal importance, will be increasing our understanding of the relationship of the parameters of the K. distribution, now being used for simulating clutter, to real features of the environment. Once mechanisms are established, this effort will also allow the performance of torpedo sonar systems to be predicted for seafloor environments, which will allow the negative impact of non-Rayleigh clutter on detection and classification to be minimized. Knowledge gained might also lead to methods for rapid environmental assessment techniques for the characterization of high false alarm/false target areas.



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