首页> 美国政府科技报告 >A Review of: Oeec, Oil: The Outlook for Europe; Oeec, Europe's Need for Oil: Implications and Lessons of the Suez Crisis

A Review of: Oeec, Oil: The Outlook for Europe; Oeec, Europe's Need for Oil: Implications and Lessons of the Suez Crisis

机译:回顾:Oeec,石油:欧洲展望; Oeec,欧洲对石油的需求:苏伊士危机的启示和教训



The last two reports of the OEEC's Oil Committee constitute the best available summary of Western Europe's views on its situation with respect to oil. Straddling the Suez crisis, they provide a good mirror of Europe's growing awareness of the extent of its stake in Middle East oil. 'Oil: The Outlook for Europe' was published after the Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal, but before the Anglo-French-Israeli attack on Egypt and the subsequent closing of the Canal. Primarily intended to add the details on petroleum to the broader report on 'Europe's Growing Needs of Energy' published a few months earlier by the OEEC's Energy Commission, the report of the Oil Committee gives only slight hints of the threat of disruption of the flow of Europe's supplies of oil from the Middle East.



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