首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Design and Development of Frequency Temperature Compensated Quartz Crystal Oscillators, Phase I

Design and Development of Frequency Temperature Compensated Quartz Crystal Oscillators, Phase I




The need for ovenless quartz crystal oscillators having a deviation less than = 0.75 parts per million from an absolute frequency over all service conditions, including crystal aging, has become evident for modern communications systems. Current knowledge derived from studies on frequency temperature compensation techniques indicate the feasibility of combating the difficulties associated with frequency compensated oscillators to produce a reduction in both power and size over conventional oscillatoroven assemblies. The object of Phase I of this program is to design and fabricate seven exploratory development oscillator models operating at 3 mc and employing such compensation techniques to achieve a stability requirement of less than = 0.5 ppm over the temperature range of-40C to +65C. After evaluation of these exploratory models, eighteen advanced models incorporating the revisions required will be fabricated under Phase II of this program. This report covers only the effort expended in Phase I of this program. The significant problem areas were related to (1) development of a voltage regulator with good regulation throughout the temperature range, (2) evolution of a standard compensation network, (3) limitations in the state-of-the-art of crystal technology, (4) low power input requirement of 65 milliwatts, and (5) development of a constant gain amplifier using high tolerance components. (Author)



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