首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Calculation of Contact Pressures and Frictional Effects on Mechanical Contact Surfaces by Finite Element Methods with Application to Fretting Damage Prediction

Calculation of Contact Pressures and Frictional Effects on Mechanical Contact Surfaces by Finite Element Methods with Application to Fretting Damage Prediction




Contact stresses, contact forces, relative contact surface displacements, and the dissipative effects of friction are computed, by the finite element method, for various two- and three-dimensional contact problems. The finite element technique is verified by analysis of several two-dimensional frictionless contact problems; the Hertz contact of two cylinders, a rigid sleeve/elastic shaft shrinkfit, and an elastic sleeve/elastic shaft shrinkfit. In these cases the finite element calculations compare favorably to existing solutions. The contact analysis capability is extended to frictional contacts by considering plane stress and axisymmetric contact problems with friction and slip, for which reasonable results are produced. The capability is further extended to complex three-dimensional contacts by an effort to determine the contact forces and frictional dissipation taking place in the cyclic bending of a shrinkfit assembly. This work demonstrates that advanced nonlinear finite element methods can be used to solve a variety of mechanical engineering problems involving unlubricated contact surfaces and the effects of friction. (Author)



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