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Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development: A Pattern-Based Approach.




Mobile devices are fast becoming ubiquitous in today's society. New devices are constantly being released with unique combinations of hardware and software, or platforms. In order to support the ever-increasing number of platforms, developers must embrace some method of cross-platform development in which the design and implementation of applications for different platforms may be streamlined. This thesis compares and contrasts two platforms, iOS and Android smartphones, and discusses how one might apply the Model, View, Controller pattern in order to minimize the inherent differences between the platforms. Furthermore, this thesis describes the Unified Design Process that can be used to implement native iOS and Android applications from a single design process. This design process reduces the amount of time required for the development of applications and maintains platform specific UI styles for the different platforms. The authors used this process to design and build a functional prototype of the NPS Muster application on both platforms. This application is capable of displaying announcements and allowing NPS students to conduct daily musters.



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