首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Loss of Material from a Ga-In Liquid Surface During Bombardment by Hyperthermal Ta, Pt, and Au Atoms.

Loss of Material from a Ga-In Liquid Surface During Bombardment by Hyperthermal Ta, Pt, and Au Atoms.




We have investigated the loss of atoms from the surface of the liquid Ga-In eutectic alloy during bombardment with hyperthermal Ta, Pt and Au atoms produced by sputtering solid metallic targets positioned above the liquid. By analyzing material deposited on graphite collectors which surrounded the liquid during irradiation, angular distributions were determined for atoms leaving the surface. In each case, we detected Ga and In on the collectors as well as the primary sputtered species. The angular distributions for the primary species were strongly peaked in a near-normal direction consistent with direct reflection from the liquid. In all cases, angular distributions for the Ga included a broad peak, centered near the surface normal, although not at the same angle as the maximum for the primary species. Such a distribution is consistent with secondary sputtering of the liquid surface by the incoming atoms. The distribution of indium atoms also suggests sputtering. However, there was significant asymmetry in the In distributions perhaps correlated with the angular distributions of the incident atoms. These results support previous data indicating that both surface sputtering (or re-sputtering) and direct reflection are significant mechanisms for the loss of material during processes such as sputter deposition. jg p.1.



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