首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Effects of the Use of a Visual Simulator in Training T-2C Student Naval Aviatorsfor Carrier Qualification

Effects of the Use of a Visual Simulator in Training T-2C Student Naval Aviatorsfor Carrier Qualification




Two training squadrons of student naval aviators flying the T-2C Buckeye aircraftduring their Intermediate Stage of Strike (Jet) Training were compared to identify any effects attributed to exposure to the T-45 Operational Flight Trainer, a state-of-the-art, visual, dome simulator. Students in VT-23 at Naval Air Station (NAS) Kingsville, Texas were exposed to demonstrations of carrier landings in the T-45 simulator prior to their carrier qualifications. A sister squadron at NAS Meridian, Mississippi (VT-19) did not receive exposure to the simulator. Both squadrons conducted carrier qualifications on the same dates and same aircraft carrier. A comparison of the squadrons considered the four measures of effectiveness (MOE): (1) squadron disqualification rates, (2) LSO trend analysis scores, (3) Aviation Training Form (ATF) CQ-llx performance evaluations, and (4) average grades for individual performance areas listed on ATF CQ-llx. Students in VT-23 had higher CQ-l1x performance evaluations. When the performance evaluations are broken down to individual performance areas, VT-23 also has substantially higher grades in Pattern. Allowing for the importance that a proper flight pattern has on the approach and landing on the aircraft carrier, it is ar ed that exposure to the T-45 visual simulator had a positive effect on the students in VT-23.



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