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Pleiotropy of quantitative trait loci for organ weights and limb bone lengths in mice


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Pleiotropy of quantitative trait loci for organ weights and limb bone lengths in mice. Physiol Genomics 10: 21-29, 2002. First published May 21, 2002; 10.1152/physiolgenomics. 00018.2002.-We investigated the genetic basis of several limb bone lengths and weights of organs in mice produced from a cross of the F_1 between CAST/Ei (wild strain) and M16i (selected for rapid growth rate) back to M16i. From previous correlation studies, we hypothesized that quantitative trait loci (QTLs) would exhibit greater pleiotropy within than between the limb length and organ weight character sets. Using interval mapping procedures and significance testing at the chromosome-wise level, we discovered 14 putative QTLs affecting weight of the liver, spleen, heart, and/or kidney, 9 of which affected more than one organ; and 12QTLs for limb lengths, all of which affected the length of two or more of the limb bones in these mice. As was hypothesized, most QTLs affected either organ weights or limb lengths independently of each other, although five QTLs were found that affected both sets of characters. The direction of the effect of these QTLs was almost always consistent within and between characters, with little evidence for antagonistic pleiotropy.
机译:数量性状基因座对小鼠器官重量和四肢骨长度的多向性。 Physiol Genomics 10:21-29,2002.首次发表于2002年5月21日;发表于2002年5月21日。 10.1152 /生理基因组学。 00018.2002.-我们研究了由FAST在CAST / Ei(野生株)和M16i(为快速生长率选择)回到M16i之间的杂交而产生的小鼠肢体骨长和器官重量的遗传基础。从以前的相关性研究中,我们假设定量性状位点(QTL)在内部表现出比在肢体长度和器官重量特征集之间更大的多效性。使用间隔作图程序和在染色体水平上的显着性检验,我们发现了14个推定的QTL,这些QTL影响肝脏,脾脏,心脏和/或肾脏的重量,其中9个影响多个器官。和12QTL的肢体长度,所有这些都影响这些小鼠中两个或多个肢体骨骼的长度。如所假设的那样,尽管发现有五个QTL影响了这两组字符,但大多数QTL都独立影响了器官的重量或肢体长度。这些QTL的作用方向几乎总是在字符内部和字符之间保持一致,几乎没有拮抗多效性的证据。



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