首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical magazine: structure and properties of condensed matter >Elastic mechanical grain interactions in polycrystalline materials; Analysis by diffraction-line broadening

Elastic mechanical grain interactions in polycrystalline materials; Analysis by diffraction-line broadening


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Experimental investigations have revealed that the Neerfeld-Hill and Eshelby-Kr?ner models, for grain interactions in massive, bulk (in particular, macroscopically isotropic) polycrystals, and a recently proposed effective grain-interaction model for macroscopically anisotropic polycrystals, as thin films, provide good estimates for the macroscopic (mechanical and) X-ray elastic constants and stress factors of such polycrystalline aggregates. These models can also be used to calculate the strain variation among the diffracting crystallites, i.e. the diffraction-line broadening induced by elastic grain interactions can thus be predicted. This work provides an assessment of diffraction-line broadening induced by elastic loading of polycrystalline specimens according to the various grain-interaction models. It is shown that the variety of environment, and thus the heterogeneity of the stress-strain states experienced by each of the individual grains exhibiting the same crystallographic orientation in a real polycrystal, cannot be accounted for by traditional grain-interaction models, where all grains of the same crystallographic orientation in the specimen frame of reference are considered to experience the same stress-strain state. A significant degree of broadening which is induced by the heterogeneity of the environments of the individual crystallites is calculated on the basis of a finite element algorithm. The obtained results have vast implication for diffraction-line broadening analysis and modelling of the elastic behaviour of massive polycrystals.



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