
Memory, consciousness and neuroimaging


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Neuroimaging techniques that allow the assessment of memory performance in healthy human volunteers while simultaneously obtaining measurements of brain activity in vivo may offer new information on the neural correlates of particular forms of memory retrieval and their association with consciousness and intention. We consider evidence from studies with positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging indicating that priming, a form of implicit retrieval, is associated with decreased activity in Various cortical regions. We also consider evidence concerning the question of whether two components of explicit retrieval-intentional or effortful search and successful conscious recollection-are preferentially associated with increased activity in prefrontal and medial temporal regions, respectively. Last, we consider recent efforts to probe the relation between the phenomenological character of remembering and neural activity. In this instance we broaden our scope to include studies employing event-related potentials and consider evidence concerning the neural correlates of qualitatively different forms of memory, including memory that is specifically associated with a sense of self, and the recollection of particular temporal or perceptual features that might contribute to a rich and vivid experience of the past. [References: 142]
机译:允许评估健康人类志愿者记忆能力并同时获得体内脑活动测量值的神经影像技术可能会提供有关特定形式记忆检索及其与意识和意图的关联的神经相关性的新信息。我们考虑了来自正电子发射断层扫描和功能磁共振成像研究的证据,这些证据表明启动(隐式检索的一种形式)与各个皮质区域活动减少有关。我们还考虑了有关以下问题的证据:显式检索的两个组成部分-有意或努力搜索以及成功的有意识回忆-是否分别分别与额叶前额和内侧颞叶区域活动的增加相关联。最后,我们考虑了最近的努力,以探索记忆的现象学特征与神经活动之间的关系。在这种情况下,我们扩大了研究范围,包括利用事件相关电位进行研究,并考虑与质的不同形式的记忆的神经相关的证据,包括与自我感相关的记忆,以及对特定时间或感知特征的记忆。这可能有助于丰富而生动的过去。 [参考:142]



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