首页> 外文期刊>Petroleum Science and Technology >Data Reconciliation Among FIONA,GC-FIMS,and SimDis Measurements for Petroleum Fractions

Data Reconciliation Among FIONA,GC-FIMS,and SimDis Measurements for Petroleum Fractions


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PIONA(paraffin,isoparaffln,olefin,naphthene,aromatic)is a widely used characterization method for petroleum fractions boiling below 200°C,while a gas chromatography-field ionization mass spectrometry(GC-FIMS)characterization method developed at the National Centre for Upgrading Technology(NCUT)provides a reliable hydrocarbon type distribution by carbon number(#C)for middle distillates boiling between 200°C-360°C.This article proposes an integrated approach to combine the results from both PIONA and GC-FIMS measurements,resulting in detailed hydrocarbon-type distribution between the initial and end boiling points of the middle distillate.Furthermore,summing up the mass in each boiling point(BP)interval(e.g.,10°C)generates an equivalent simulated distillation(SimDis)curve that needs to be reconciled with the SimDis measured by the ASTM D2887 method.This article also discusses a simple data reconciliation approach that allowed us to use the three separate pieces of information(PIONA,GC-FIMS,and SimDis)as an internally consistent basis for the derivation of molecular representation of materials characterized in such a way.
机译:PIONA(石蜡,异链烷烃,烯烃,环烷,芳烃)是沸点低于200°C的石油馏分的广泛使用的表征方法,而气相色谱-场电离质谱(GC-FIMS)表征方法则是在国家升级中心开发的技术(NCUT)为沸点在200°C-360°C之间的中间馏分提供了可靠的碳氢化合物类型分布(#C)。本文提出了一种综合方法,将PIONA和GC-FIMS测量结果相结合,结果此外,对每个沸点(BP)间隔(例如10°C)的质量求和,得出等效的模拟蒸馏(SimDis)曲线,该曲线需要本文还讨论了一种简单的数据对账方法,该方法使我们能够使用三个单独的信息(PIONA,GC-FI MS和SimDis)作为推导以这种方式表征的材料的分子表示形式的内部一致基础。



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