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Uncertainty Reigns Despite Talk of Price Recovery


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"Lower for longer" has become the mantra in oil markets in recent weeks with regard to the outlook for oil prices, but there is also a growing feeling in some quarters that the non-Opec supply response to low prices is becoming more visible, and that sharp declines in US tight oil production will start showing up from this month onwards. Even if that turns out to be true, it remains hard to predict the tuning of any rebalancing in oil markets, and the mood among delegates at last week's 36th annual Oil & Money conference in London, co-hosted by Energy Intelligence, mixed optimism, caution and uncertainty in almost equal measure. This ambiguity was captured best by Royal Dutch Shell Chief Executive Ben van Beurden, who talked of seeing "the first mixed signs of a price recovery" before rowing back on these comments after it was put to him that his view was rather bullish.
机译:就石油价格的前景而言,“降低更长的时间”已成为最近几周石油市场的口头禅,但在某些季度,人们也越来越感到非欧佩克对低价的供应反应越来越明显,并且从本月开始,美国致密油产量的急剧下降将开始显现。即使事实确实如此,但仍很难预测石油市场的任何再平衡会如何调整,上周在由能源情报署(Energy Intelligence)联合主办的伦敦第36届年度石油与货币会议上,与会代表们的心情喜忧参半,谨慎和不确定性几乎相等。荷兰皇家壳牌首席执行官本·范·伯登(Ben van Beurden)最好地抓住了这种歧义,他谈到看到“价格回升的第一个混合迹象”,然后在对他的评论被推翻之后,对他的观点持怀疑态度。



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