首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health >Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001.

Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001.


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CONTEXT: Many pregnancies are unintended, particularly in certain population groups. Determining whether unintended pregnancy rates and disparities in rates between subgroups are changing may help policymakers target reproductive health services to those women most in need. METHODS: To calculate rates of unintended pregnancy and related outcomes, data on pregnancy intendedness from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth were combined with birth, abortion and population data from federal, state and nongovernmental sources. RESULTS: In 2001, 49% of pregnancies in the United States were unintended. The unintended pregnancy rate was 51 per 1,000 women aged 15-44, meaning that 5% of this group had an unintended pregnancy. This level was unchanged from 1994. The rate of unintended pregnancy in 2001 was substantially above average among women aged 18-24, unmarried (particularly cohabiting) women, low-income women, women who had not completed high school and minority women. Between 1994 and 2001, the rate of unintended pregnancy declined among adolescents, college graduates and the wealthiest women, but increased among poor and less educated women. The abortion rate and the proportion of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion among all women declined, while the unintended birth rate increased. Forty-eight percent of unintended conceptions in 2001 occurred during a month when contraceptives were used, compared with 51% in 1994. CONCLUSIONS: More research is needed to determine the factors underlying the disparities in unintended pregnancy rates by income and other characteristics. The findings may reflect a need for increased and more effective contraceptive use, particularly among high-risk groups.
机译:背景:许多怀孕是意料之外的,尤其是在某些人群中。确定意外怀孕率和亚组之间的比率差异是否正在改变,可能有助于决策者将生殖健康服务面向最需要的妇女。方法:为了计算意外怀孕率和相关结果,将2002年全国家庭成长调查中有关怀孕意愿的数据与联邦,州和非政府来源的出生,流产和人口数据相结合。结果:在2001年,美国有49%的怀孕是意外的。意外怀孕率为每1000名15-44岁的女性中有51名,这意味着该组中有5%的意外怀孕。这一水平与1994年相比没有变化。2001年的意外怀孕率在18至24岁的妇女,未婚(特别是同居),低收入妇女,未完成高中的妇女和少数族裔妇女中均高于平均水平。在1994年至2001年之间,意外怀孕率在青少年,大学毕业生和最富有的女性中有所下降,但在贫穷和文化程度较低的女性中却有所上升。在所有妇女中,流产率和以流产结束的意外怀孕的比例下降了,而意外出生率却上升了。 2001年有48%的意外怀孕发生在使用避孕药的一个月内,而1994年为51%。结论:需要更多的研究来确定收入和其他特征造成意外怀孕率差异的因素。这些发现可能反映出有必要增加和更有效地使用避孕药具,尤其是在高危人群中。



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