首页> 外国专利> Birth control device, invented by Oliver Jack Somers-Wilder, primary inventor, and Connie Jean Somers-Wilder, both citizens of the United States and reside at 5109 Madera Terrace in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73129, preventing pregnancy for extended periods of time and is quickly reversible by medical procedure

Birth control device, invented by Oliver Jack Somers-Wilder, primary inventor, and Connie Jean Somers-Wilder, both citizens of the United States and reside at 5109 Madera Terrace in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73129, preventing pregnancy for extended periods of time and is quickly reversible by medical procedure

机译:生育控制装置由主要发明者奥利弗·杰克·萨默斯·维尔德(Oliver Jack Somers-Wilder)和康妮·让·萨默斯·维尔德(Connie Jean Somers-Wilder)共同发明,居住在美国俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马州5109马德拉梯田(73129),可防止长时间怀孕和可通过医疗程序快速逆转


This is a birth control device that prevents pregnancy for extended periods of time with the same degree of certainty as permanent sterilization: however, this sterilization is easily reversible when childbearing is desired. This device is implanted through a medical procedure. It consists of two tubes that may be positioned either in a closed or open position and held there by a clip to either prevent or allow fertilization of the egg. Accessing this device to change from open to closed or vice versa requires a medical procedure.






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