首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric dermatology >Idiopathic Facial Aseptic Granuloma: Review of an Evolving Clinical Entity

Idiopathic Facial Aseptic Granuloma: Review of an Evolving Clinical Entity


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Idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma (IFAG), originally termed pyodermite froide du visage, describes a generally asymptomatic facial nodule presenting in childhood with clinical resemblance to pyoderma or cystic, granulomatous, or vascular lesions. Clinical understanding is constantly evolving, with recent observations indicating that IFAG may represent a subtype of childhood rosacea. We present a case of IFAG associated with eyelid chalazions in a 19-month-old boy. Although his clinical course paralleled previously reported IFAG cases, we observed a unique ultrasound variation during initial diagnostic examination. Further delineation of clinical, imaging, and histologic properties of IFAG may reveal insights into etiologic associations and ideal management.
机译:特发性面部无菌性肉芽肿(IFAG),最初称为pyodermite froide du Visage,描述了一种在儿童时期出现的无症状面部结节,临床表现类似于脓皮病或囊性,肉芽肿或血管病变。临床理解在不断发展,最近的观察表明,IFAG可能代表了儿童酒渣鼻的一种亚型。我们在一个19个月大的男孩中呈现了IFAG与眼睑睑裂相关的病例。尽管他的临床过程与先前报道的IFAG病例相似,但我们在初始诊断检查期间观察到了独特的超声变化。 IFAG的临床,影像学和组织学特性的进一步描述可能揭示病因关联和理想管理的见解。



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