首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Serial assessment of mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit by algorithm and intuition: certainty, uncertainty, and informed consent.

Serial assessment of mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit by algorithm and intuition: certainty, uncertainty, and informed consent.


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OBJECTIVES: Does predictive power for outcomes of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients get better with time? Or does it get worse? We determined the predictive power of Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP) scores and clinical intuitions as a function of day of life (DOL) for newborn infants admitted to our NICU. METHODS: We identified 369 infants admitted to our NICU during 1996-1997 who required mechanical ventilation. We calculated SNAP scores on DOL 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, and weekly thereafter until either death or extubation. We also asked nurses, residents, fellows, and attendings on each day of mechanical ventilation: "Do you think this child is going to live to go home to their family, or die before hospital discharge?" RESULTS: Two thousand twenty-eight SNAP scores were calculated for 285 infants. On DOL 1, SNAP for nonsurvivors (24 +/- 8.7 [standard deviation]) was significantly higher than SNAP for survivors (13 +/- 6.1). However, this difference diminished steadily and by DOL 10 was no longer statistically significant (12.7 +/- 4.9 vs 10.0 +/- 4.8). On each NICU day, at all ranges of SNAP scores, there were at least as many infants who would ultimately survive as would die. Consequently, the positive predictive value of any SNAP value for subsequent mortality was <0.5 on all NICU days. Prediction profiles were obtained for 230 ventilated infants reflecting over 11 000 intuitions obtained on 2867 patient days. One hundred fifty-seven (81%) of 192 survivor profiles displayed consistent accurate prediction profiles-at least 90% of their NICU ventilation days were characterized by 100% prediction of survival. Twenty-five (13%) of 192 surviving infants survived somewhat unexpectedly; that is, after at least 1 day characterized by at least 1 estimate of "death." Thirty-three (60%) of the 55 nonsurvivors died before DOL 10. Eighty-two percent of the prediction profiles for these early dying infants were homogeneous, dismal, and accurate. Twenty-two (40%) of the 55 nonsurvivors died after DOL 10. Seventeen (78%) of these 22 late-dying infants were predicted to live by many observers on many hospital days. Sixty-one (30%) of 230 profiled patients had at least 1 NICU day characterized by at least 1 prediction of death; 26/61 (43%) of these patients were incorrectly predicted; that is, they survived. Seventeen infants who were predicted to die during but survived nonetheless were assessed neurologically at 1 year. Fourteen (82%) of these 17 were not neurologically normal-8 were clearly abnormal, 1 suspicious, and 5 had died. CONCLUSIONS: If absolute certainty about mortality is the only criterion that can justify a decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment in the NICU, these data would make such decisions difficult on the first day of life, and increasingly problematic thereafter. However, if we acknowledge that medicine is inevitably an inexact science and that clinical predictions can never be perfect, we can ask the more interesting question of whether good but less-than-perfect predictions of imprecise but ethically relevant clinical outcomes can still be useful. We think that they can-and that they must.
机译:目的:随着时间的流逝,对新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)患者预后的预测能力会更好吗?还是变得更糟?我们确定了新生儿急性生理学分数(SNAP)得分和临床直觉与生活日(DOL)的函数对新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)的预测能力。方法:我们确定了1996年至1997年期间接受重症监护病房(NICU)的369名需要机械通气的婴儿。我们计算DOL 1、3、4、5、7、10、14、21、28以及此后每周的SNAP分数,直到死亡或拔管。我们还在每天进行机械通气时询问护士,居民,同伴和就诊者:“您认为这个孩子要住回家或回家去死吗?”结果:计算出285例婴儿的228个SNAP评分。在DOL 1上,非幸存者的SNAP(24 +/- 8.7 [标准偏差])显着高于幸存者的SNAP(13 +/- 6.1)。但是,这种差异正在逐渐减小,并且DOL 10不再具有统计显着性(12.7 +/- 4.9与10.0 +/- 4.8)。在每个重症监护病房每天,在所有SNAP分数范围内,最终存活的婴儿和死亡的婴儿至少一样多。因此,在所有重症监护病房中,任何SNAP值对以后的死亡率的阳性预测值均<0.5。获得了230位通气婴儿的预测资料,反映了2867个患者日获得的11000多个直觉。 192个幸存者档案中的一百五十七(81%)显示出一致的准确预测档案-至少90%的NICU通气天数以100%生存预测为特征。 192名存活的婴儿中有25名(13%)出乎意料地存活下来;也就是说,在至少1天后,至少有1次“死亡”估算值。 55名非幸存者中有33名(60%)在DOL 10之前死亡。这些早死婴儿的预测概况中有82%是同质的,令人沮丧且准确的。 55名非幸存者中有22名(40%)在DOL 10之后死亡。据预测,这名22例迟死婴儿中有17名(78%)会在许多住院日生活。 230名接受分析的患者中有61名(30%)至少有1个重症监护病房(ICU)日,其特征是至少有1个死亡预测。这些患者中有26/61(43%)人的预测错误;也就是说,他们幸存了下来。预计在死亡期间死亡但仍存活的17名婴儿在1年时接受了神经学评估。这17例中有14例(82%)在神经学上不正常-8明显异常,1例可疑,有5例死亡。结论:如果关于死亡率的绝对确定性是唯一可以证明决定放弃或撤回重症监护病房的维持生命治疗的标准,那么这些数据将使这样的决定在生命的第一天变得困难,此后的问题将越来越多。但是,如果我们承认医学不可避免地是一门不精确的科学,并且临床预测永远不可能是完美的,那么我们可以问一个更有趣的问题,即对不精确但在伦理上相关的临床结果进行良好但不理想的预测是否仍然有用。我们认为他们可以并且必须这样做。



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