首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Esiti dei Neonati di Basso Peso nelle Terapie Intensive Neonatali Partecipanti all'Italian Neonatal Network nel 2008. (Outcomes of Low Birth Weight Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units Participating in the Italian Neonatal Network in 2008).

Esiti dei Neonati di Basso Peso nelle Terapie Intensive Neonatali Partecipanti all'Italian Neonatal Network nel 2008. (Outcomes of Low Birth Weight Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units Participating in the Italian Neonatal Network in 2008).

机译:Esiti dei Neonati di Basso peso nelle Terapie Intensive Neonatali partecipanti all'Italian Neonatal Network nel 2008.(2008年新生儿重症监护病房参加意大利新生儿网络的低出生体重婴儿的结果)。



This report is the result of a collaboration among the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, the Italian Neonatal Network and the Italian Neonatal Society. It represents the first attempt to systematically analyze the situation of care of premature infants in Italy. The report analyzes activity data from the 56 neonatal intensive care units members of the Italian Network in 2008 and the < 1500 grams or < 30 gestational weeks newborns outcomes. The variability of different indicators--some major outcomes such as mortality, chronic lung disease, infections, use of therapies and procedures such as mechanical ventilation, surfactant prophylaxis, up to the mode of feeding at discharge-- demonstrates the urgent need to deepen the knowledge about neonatal care in the country. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and safety of care addressed to babies and their families through coordinated programs of research, training and quality improvement projects.



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