首页> 外文期刊>Palliative medicine >Using anti-muscarinic drugs in the management of death rattle: evidence-based guidelines for palliative care.

Using anti-muscarinic drugs in the management of death rattle: evidence-based guidelines for palliative care.


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The management of 'death rattle' was reviewed by a task group on behalf of the Association for Palliative Medicine's Science Committee. Evidence was searched for the effectiveness of various anti-muscarinic drugs in drying oropharyngeal and bronchial secretions in dying patients. Clinical guidelines were constructed based on evidence from volunteer and clinical studies. Death rattle occurs in half of all dying patients and some response occurs in around 80% of treated patients. Clinical studies demonstrate that subcutaneous hyoscine hydrobromide 400 microg is more effective at improving symptoms at 30 min than glycopyrronium 200 microg by the same route. Volunteer studies demonstrate that intramuscular glycopyrronium 400 microg is as effective in drying secretions at 30 min as a dose of 200 microg given intravenously. Duration of response is shortest for hyoscine butylbromide (1 h) and longest for glycopyrronium (more than 6 h). There is insufficient evidence to support the use of one drug over another in a continuous infusion and prescribers should base decisions on different characteristics of each anti-muscarinic drug.
机译:工作组代表姑息医学协会科学委员会审查了“死亡嘎嘎声”的管理。寻找证据表明各种抗毒蕈碱药物在垂死的患者中能干燥口咽和支气管分泌物。根据志愿者和临床研究的证据构建临床指南。在所有垂死的患者中,有一半死于死亡,在大约80%的患者中发生了某些反应。临床研究表明,在相同的途径下,皮下注射400 mg微克的氢溴酸氢溴酸比30 g格隆铵更有效地改善症状。志愿者研究表明,肌注格隆铵400微克在30分钟内与静脉注射200微克一样有效地干燥分泌物。扁豆溴化氢的响应时间最短(1小时),格隆溴铵的响应时间最长(超过6小时)。没有足够的证据支持在连续输注中使用一种药物而不是另一种药物,而处方者应根据每种抗毒蕈碱药物的不同特性做出决定。



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