首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >The morphology and systematics of Rhabdochona paski Baylis, 1928 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae), a widespread parasite of freshwater fishes in Africa

The morphology and systematics of Rhabdochona paski Baylis, 1928 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae), a widespread parasite of freshwater fishes in Africa

机译:Rhabdochona paski Baylis的形态和系统学,1928年(线虫:Rhabdochonidae),是非洲淡水鱼的一种广泛寄生虫

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Nematodes of the genus Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916, identified as R. paski Baylis, 1928, were collected from the intestine of Hydrocynus forskahlii (Cuvier) (Characiformes: Alestidae), Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais) (both Perciformes: Cichlidae) from Lake Turkana, Kenya during 2007-2009. Their morphology was studied in detail using light and scanning electron microscopy. Paratypes of R. paski and museum specimens of R. congolensis Campana-Rouget, 1961 from six other host species were examined for comparison. Based on these studies and the available literature data, Rhabdochona congolensis, R. aegyptiaca El-Nafar & Saoud, 1974 (emend.) and R. vesterae Boomker & Petter, 1993 are considered to be junior synonyms of R. paski. The occurrence of this widely distributed African nematode in many fish species belonging to different families and orders suggests that most of them are probably not definitive hosts of this parasite, but only serve as paratenic, paradefinitive or postcyclic hosts (sensu Odening, 1976). True definitive hosts of R. paski appear to be characiform species belonging to some genera (e.g., Alestes, Brycinus, Hydrocynus) of the family Alestidae.
机译:Rhabdochona Railliet属的线虫(1916年被鉴定为R. paski Baylis,1928年)是从Hydrocynus forskahlii(Cuvier)(Characiformes:Alestidae),Oreochromis niloticus(Linnaeus)和Tilapia zillii(Gervais)(Gervais)(丽鱼科(Cichlidae),来自肯尼亚图尔卡纳湖(Lake Turkana),在2007-2009年期间。使用光和扫描电子显微镜详细研究了它们的形态。为了比较,研究了R. paski的亚型和1961年来自其他六个寄主物种的R. congolensis Campana-Rouget的博物馆标本。根据这些研究和现有的文献数据,Rhabdochona congolensis,埃及古猿R. Nafar&Saoud,1974年(修订版)和R.vesterae Boomker&Petter,1993年被认为是R. paski的初级同义词。非洲线虫广泛分布于许多属于不同科和顺序的鱼类中,这表明它们中的大多数可能不是该寄生虫的确定寄主,而只是充当寄生虫,副确定性或周期后寄主(sensu Odening,1976)。真正的R. paski寄主似乎是伞形目物种,属于伞形目科的某些属(例如,伞形目,Brycinus,水cy属)。



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