首页> 外文期刊>Superconductor Science & Technology >A comparative study on in situ grown superconducting YBCO and YBCO-Ag thin films by PLD on polycrystalline SmBa_2NbO_6 substrate

A comparative study on in situ grown superconducting YBCO and YBCO-Ag thin films by PLD on polycrystalline SmBa_2NbO_6 substrate


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The development and characterization ofStnBa_2NbO_6, which is a new ceramic substrate material for theYba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta# )superconductor, are reported.SmBa_2NbO_6 has a complex cubic perovskite structure withlattice constant a = 8.524 A. The dielectric properties ofSmBa_2NbO_6 are in a range suitable for its use as a substrate formicrowave applications. SmBa_2NbO_6 was found to have athermal conductivity of 77 W m~-1 K~-1 and a thermal expansioncoefficient of 7.8 X 10~-6 beg C~-1 at room temperature.Superconducting Yba_2Cu_3O_7-s and Yba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta#)-Ag thin films have been grown in situ on polycrystallineSmBa_2NbO_6 by the pulsed laser ablation technique. The filmsexhibited (001) orientation of an orthorhombic Yba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta#) phase and gave a zero resistivity superconductingtransition (Tc(0)) at 90 K with a transition width of 1.5 K. Thecritical current density of YBCO-Ag thin films grown onpolycrystalline SmBa_2NbO_6 substrate was 3 X l0~5 A cm~-2 at77 K. A comparative study of YBCO and YBCO-Ag thin filmsdeveloped on polycrystalline SmBa_2NbO_6 substrate by PLDbased on the crystallinity, orientation and critical current density ofthe YBCO film is discussed in detail.
机译:报道了用于Yba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta#)超导体的新型陶瓷衬底材料StnBa_2NbO_6的开发和表征.SmBa_2NbO_6具有复杂的立方钙钛矿结构,晶格常数a = 8.524 A.SmBa_2NbO_6的介电性能在一定范围内。用作微波应用的基材。 SmBa_2NbO_6在室温下的热导率为77 W m〜-1 K〜-1,热膨胀系数为7.8 X 10〜-6 beg C〜-1.Yba_2Cu_3O_7-s和Yba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta#通过脉冲激光烧蚀技术在多晶SmBa_2NbO_6上原位生长Ag)薄膜。该膜表现出正交晶的Yba_2Cu_3O_(7-#delta#)相的(001)取向,并在90 K下具有零电阻率超导转变(Tc(0)),跃迁宽度为1.5K。YBCO-Ag薄膜的临界电流密度在77 K下在多晶SmBa_2NbO_6衬底上生长的薄膜为3 X l0〜5 A cm〜-2。详情。



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