首页> 外文期刊>Surgical innovation >Single-access laparoscopic 'lavage' for purulent diverticulitis in a 96-year-old patient: How to reduce surgical trauma and standardize surgical technique

Single-access laparoscopic 'lavage' for purulent diverticulitis in a 96-year-old patient: How to reduce surgical trauma and standardize surgical technique


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Introduction. Recently, laparoscopic lavage emerged as an effective alternative for patients with perforated diverticulitis with purulent peritonitis. Case Report. A 96-year-old woman, diagnosed with Hinchey 3 diverticulitis after a computed tomography scan, was operated on with a single-access "lavage" to reduce surgical trauma and to avoid stoma. Methods. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia. Tracheal intubation, nasogastric tube, and urethral catheterization were mandatory. The patient was in a modified Lloyd-Davis position, with the table tilted in Trendelenburg position, left side up. Surgeons were on the right side. Instrumentation. The procedure was performed using a surgical technique similar to standard laparoscopy with traditional laparoscopic instruments. Surgical Steps. The surgical procedure involved single-incision laparoscopic surgery (Covidien, Mansfield, MA) insertion, small bowel dissection, abscess opening, and peritoneal washing. Results. The procedure was completed in 75 minutes with an estimated blood loss of 120 mL. The patient was kept in the intensive care unit for 1 day. She was on postoperative analgesia for 2 days and was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 5. The patient was able to drink on day 1 and eat on day 3 after flatus.
机译:介绍。最近,腹腔镜灌洗已成为穿孔性憩室炎合并化脓性腹膜炎的有效替代方法。案例报告。一位96岁的女性在进行了计算机断层扫描后被诊断出患有Hinchey 3憩室炎,对她进行了一次单次“灌洗”以减少手术创伤并避免造口。方法。该程序在全身麻醉下进行。必须进行气管插管,鼻胃管和尿道插管。该患者处于修改的劳埃德-戴维斯(Lloyd-Davis)位置,桌子朝着特伦德伦伯卧位倾斜,左侧向上。外科医生在右边。仪器仪表。该程序是使用类似于传统腹腔镜仪器的标准腹腔镜手术技术进行的。手术步骤。手术过程包括单切口腹腔镜手术(Covidien,Mansfield,MA)插入,小肠解剖,脓肿张开和腹膜冲洗。结果。该过程在75分钟内完成,估计失血量为120 mL。该患者在重症监护室呆了1天。她术后镇痛2天,术后第5天出院。患者在肠胃胀后的第1天可以喝酒,第3天可以进食。



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