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In vitro evaluation of the permeability of prosthetic meshes as the possible cause of postoperative seroma formation.


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INTRODUCTION: Seroma formation is one of the most common post operative complications related to abdominal wall hernia repairs with mesh. We hypothesized that the different biomaterials used to construct commonly used prosthetic mesh may influence permeability to fluid and affect seroma formation rates. METHODS: We designed an in vitro study where a 5 cm piece of mesh was placed in a closed system where normal saline was forced across the mesh and the pressure (mmHg) required for a constant stream of fluid was recorded. Eight prosthetic materials were studied: polyester/oxidized collagen (PC), expanded PTFE (DM), polypropylene/ePTFE (BC), polypropylene/oxidized cellulose (PR), light weight polypropylene/omega 3 fatty acid (CQ), compressed PTFE (MM), polypropylene (PP) and polyester (P) mesh. RESULTS: Each mesh was tested five times and the results averaged. The 3 meshes without anti-adhesive barriers (MM, PP, P) had fluid move across with minimal pressure (<1 mmHg). For the intraperitoneal mesh, there was a significant difference in pressure necessary for fluid movement (PR = 3.6, CQ = 36, PC = 56.6, DM > 350, BC > 350 mmHg, p = <0.001). However, the fenestrations at the suture lines necessary to combine the PP and DM in the BC mesh permitted fluid transport at low pressures (<1 mmHg). CONCLUSION: Based on our in vitro study, each mesh exhibited different fluid permeability, especially in the case of meshes with anti-adhesive barriers. This study also infers that methods to create pressure gradients across mesh, such as an abdominal binder, may reduce seroma formation of certain meshes.
机译:简介:血清形成是与腹壁疝修补术相关的最常见的术后并发症之一。我们假设用于构建常用假体网的不同生物材料可能会影响液体的渗透性并影响血清形成率。方法:我们设计了一项体外研究,其中将5厘米的网片放置在密闭系统中,迫使生理盐水穿过网片,并记录恒定液流所需的压力(mmHg)。研究了八种假体材料:聚酯/氧化胶原(PC),膨体PTFE(DM),聚丙烯/ ePTFE(BC),聚丙烯/氧化纤维素(PR),轻质聚丙烯/ω3脂肪酸(CQ),压缩PTFE( MM),聚丙烯(PP)和聚酯(P)网眼。结果:每个网格进行了五次测试,结果取平均值。 3个没有抗粘连屏障(MM,PP,P)的网孔以最小的压力(<1 mmHg)移动。对于腹膜内网,流体运动所需的压力存在显着差异(PR = 3.6,CQ = 36,PC = 56.6,DM> 350,BC> 350 mmHg,p = <0.001)。但是,在BC筛网中将PP和DM结合在一起所需的缝合线开孔允许在低压(<1 mmHg)下进行流体输送。结论:根据我们的体外研究,每个网片均表现出不同的流体渗透性,尤其是在具有抗粘连屏障的网片中。这项研究还推断,在整个网格上创建压力梯度的方法(例如腹部黏结剂)可能会减少某些网格的血清肿形成。



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