首页> 外文期刊>Steroids: An International Journal >Lacking of estradiol reduces insulin exocytosis from pancreatic beta-cells and increases hepatic insulin degradation

Lacking of estradiol reduces insulin exocytosis from pancreatic beta-cells and increases hepatic insulin degradation


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Low levels of plasma estrogens are associated with weight-gain, android fat distribution, and a high prevalence of obesity-related comorbidities such as glucose intolerance and type II diabetes. The mechanisms underlying the association between low levels of estrogens and impaired glucose homeostasis are not completely understood. To begin to test this, we used three-month-old female C57BL/6J mice that either underwent ovariectomy (OVX) or received a sham surgery (Sham), and we characterized glucose homeostasis. In a subsequent series of experiments, OVX mice received estradiol treatment (OVX + E-2) or vehicle (OVX) for 6 consecutive days. As has been previously reported, lack of ovarian hormones resulted in dysregulated glucose homeostasis. To begin to explore the mechanisms by which this occurs, we characterized the impact of estrogens on insulin secretion and degradation in these mice. Insulin secretion and plasma insulin levels were lower in OVX mice. OVX mice had lower levels of pancreatic Syntaxin 1-A(Synt-1A) protein, which is involved in insulin extrusion from the pancreas. In the liver, OVX mice had higher levels of insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) and this was associated with higher insulin clearance. Estradiol treatment improved glucose intolerance in OVX mice and restored insulin secretion, as well as normalized the protein content of pancreatic Synt-1A. The addition of estrogens to OVX mice reduced IDE protein to that of Sham mice. Our data suggest loss of ovarian estradiol following OVX led to impaired glucose homeostasis due to pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction in the exocytosis of insulin, and upregulation of hepatic IDE protein content resulting in lower insulinemia, which was normalized by estradiol replacement. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:血浆雌激素水平低与体重增加,机器人脂肪分布以及与肥胖相关的合并症(如葡萄糖耐量异常和II型糖尿病)的患病率高有关。低水平的雌激素和受损的葡萄糖稳态之间的关联的机制尚不完全清楚。为了测试这一点,我们使用了三个月大的雌性C57BL / 6J小鼠,这些小鼠接受了卵巢切除术(OVX)或接受了假手术(Sham),并对葡萄糖体内稳态进行了表征。在随后的一系列实验中,OVX小鼠连续6天接受雌二醇治疗(OVX + E-2)或媒介物(OVX)。如先前所报道,卵巢激素的缺乏导致葡萄糖稳态的失调。为了开始探索这种情况发生的机制,我们表征了雌激素对这些小鼠胰岛素分泌和降解的影响。 OVX小鼠的胰岛素分泌和血浆胰岛素水平较低。 OVX小鼠的胰腺Syntaxin 1-A(Synt-1A)蛋白水平较低,该蛋白参与从胰腺中挤出胰岛素。在肝脏中,OVX小鼠的胰岛素降解酶(IDE)水平较高,这与较高的胰岛素清除率有关。雌二醇治疗可改善OVX小鼠的葡萄糖耐受不良并恢复胰岛素分泌,并使胰腺Synt-1A的蛋白质含量正常化。向OVX小鼠中添加雌激素可将IDE蛋白还原为Sham小鼠。我们的数据表明,OVX后卵巢雌二醇的丢失会由于胰岛素胞吐作用中的胰岛β细胞功能异常而导致葡萄糖稳态下降,并且肝脏IDE蛋白含量上调会导致较低的胰岛素血症,这可以通过雌二醇替代来实现。 (C)2016 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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