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Improving the production of hexahedral casing pipe for the storage of spent nuclear fuel


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At nuclear power plants, spent reactor assemblies are loaded in holding tanks for intermediate storage. For maximum sealing of the spent fuel, it is expedient to use protective casings that retard the neutron radiation and permit (2-3)-fold reduction in the distance between assemblies. This is important for VVER-1000 reactors, whose active zone consists of 153 fuel cartridges. In the 1980s, research on boron steel considerably expanded, along with its application in the nuclear power industry, because the neutron-capture cross section of boron is 300 times that of iron. Accordingly, corrosion-resistant austenitic, chromomanganese, low-carbon, and ferritic steel alloyed with boron has been developed for the nuclear industry. In the Soviet Union, hot-rolled 04Kh14T3R1F-VI (ChS 82-VI), 04Kh14T3R1F-PT (ChS 82-PT), and 04Khl4T3RlF-PSh (ChS 82-PSh) steel tube (288 X 11 mm) went into production for use in commercial hexahedral casing tube of dimensions 257 x 6 x 4300 mm, in accordance with Technical Specifications TU 14-242-275-89; the steel is smelted in vacuum induction and plasma furnaces, with subsequent electroslag remelting [5]. A sample chemical composition of the steel might be (mass percent): C 0.02-0.06 Si < = 0.5 Cr 13.0-16.0 B 1.3-1.8 Ti 2.3-3.5 V 0.15-0.3 Mn < = 0.5 Al < = 0.05 Ni < = 0.02 P < = 0.03.
机译:在核电厂,乏反应堆组件被装载在储罐中以进行中间存储。为了最大程度地密封乏燃料,最好使用保护性外壳,该外壳可阻止中子辐射并允许组件之间的距离减少(2-3)倍。这对于VVER-1000反应堆非常重要,该反应堆的活动区由153个燃料盒组成。在1980年代,由于硼的中子俘获截面是铁的300倍,因此对硼钢的研究及其在核电工业中的应用也大大扩展了。因此,已经开发了与硼合金化的耐腐蚀的奥氏体,铬锰,低碳和铁素体钢用于核工业。在苏联,热轧04Kh14T3R1F-VI(ChS 82-VI),04Kh14T3R1F-PT(ChS 82-PT)和04Khl4T3RlF-PSh(ChS 82-PSh)钢管(288 X 11 mm)投入生产根据技术规范TU 14-242-275-89用于尺寸为257 x 6 x 4300 mm的商用六面体套管;钢在真空感应炉和等离子炉中冶炼,随后进行电渣重熔[5]。钢的样品化学成分可能为(质量百分比):C 0.02-0.06 Si <= 0.5 Cr 13.0-16.0 B 1.3-1.8 Ti 2.3-3.5 V 0.15-0.3 Mn <= 0.5 Al <= 0.05 Ni <= 0.02 P <= 0.03。



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