首页> 外文期刊>Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: Applications in Science and Engineering: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science >Approximate solutions of a nonlinear oscillator typified as a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire by the homotopy perturbation method

Approximate solutions of a nonlinear oscillator typified as a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire by the homotopy perturbation method


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The homotopy perturbation method is used to solve the nonlinear differential equation that governs the nonlinear oscillations of a system typified as a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire. The restoring force for this oscillator has an irrational term with a parameter k that characterizes the system (0 6 k 6 1). For k = 1 and small values of x, the restoring force does not have a dominant term proportional to x. We find this perturbation method works very well for the whole range of parameters involved, and excellent agreement of the approximate frequencies and periodic solutions with the exact ones has been demonstrated and discussed. Only one iteration leads to high accuracy of the solutions and the maximal relative error for the approximate frequency is less than 2.2% for small and large values of oscillation amplitude. This error corresponds to k = 1, while for k < 1 the relative error is much lower. For example, its value is as low as 0.062% for k = 0.5.
机译:同伦摄动法用于求解控制系统非线性振动的非线性微分方程,该系统的典型特征是附着在拉伸弹性线上的质量。该振荡器的恢复力具有不合理的项,其参数k代表了系统的特征(0 6 k 6 1)。对于k = 1和小的x值,恢复力没有与x成正比的主导项。我们发现这种摄动方法对于所涉及的整个参数范围都非常有效,并且已经证明并讨论了近似频率和周期解与精确解的极佳一致性。仅一次迭代即可得出解的高精度,并且对于大,小振幅的振幅,近似频率的最大相对误差均小于2.2%。该误差对应于k = 1,而对于k <1,相对误差要低得多。例如,对于k = 0.5,其值低至0.062%。



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