首页> 外文期刊>Soil Science and Plant Nutrition >Characterization of soil properties in relation to maize productivity in Andosols of the western highland of Guatemala.

Characterization of soil properties in relation to maize productivity in Andosols of the western highland of Guatemala.


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Soil properties in Andosols of the western highlands of Guatemala were investigated and evaluated in relation to maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in comparison to the standard of soil diagnosis for Andosols in Japan to provide basic information. The soil samples were collected from maize fields in 28 sites at a soil depth of 0 to 30 cm in 2008. A maize cultivation experiment was conducted with the same treatment of fertilizer application at 23 sites to discuss the influence of soil properties on maize productivity. The soils were characterized by sandy loam texture, acidic pH, low available phosphorus (P) reflecting high phosphate sorption coefficient, low exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), and high exchangeable potassium (K). Cation imbalance derived from relatively low exchangeable Mg and high exchangeable K was observed. Maize yield of the cultivation experiment ranged widely from 0.75 to 6.39 Mg ha-1. Principal component analysis summarized the soil properties into four components relating (1) organic matter and P sorption capacity, (2) soil texture, (3) exchangeable Mg and (4) P availability. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the first component generally related negatively and the third and fourth components related positively to maize yield, and these three components explained as much as 49% of the total variance of maize yield. These results suggested that soil properties greatly influenced maize productivity and low P availability due to high P sorption coefficient, and low exchangeable Mg to K ratio were the main constraints to maize cultivation in this region.
机译:与日本的Andosols土壤诊断标准相比,对危地马拉西部高地Andosols的土壤特性进行了调查,并评估了其与玉米(Zea mays L.)生产力的相关性,以提供基本信息。 2008年从0到30厘米土壤深度的28个地点的玉米田中收集了土壤样品。在23个地点进行了相同施肥处理的玉米栽培试验,探讨了土壤特性对玉米生产力的影响。土壤的特征是砂质壤土质地,酸性pH值,反映高磷酸盐吸附系数的低有效磷(P),低交换性钙(Ca)和镁(Mg)以及高交换性钾(K)。观察到由相对较低的可交换Mg和较高的可交换K引起的阳离子失衡。栽培试验的玉米产量范围从0.75至6.39 Mg ha -1 。主成分分析将土壤特性概括为四个成分,分别是(1)有机物和磷的吸附能力,(2)土壤质地,(3)可交换的镁和(4)磷的有效性。多元回归分析表明,第一成分通常与玉米产量呈负相关,第三和第四成分与玉米产量呈正相关,这三个成分解释了玉米总产量方差的49%。这些结果表明,土壤特性极大地影响了玉米的生产力,并且磷吸收系数高,磷利用率低,而低交换性镁钾肥比例是该地区玉米种植的主要制约因素。



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