首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Botany >Effect of extraction method on chemical, volatile composition and antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice

Effect of extraction method on chemical, volatile composition and antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice


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The study investigated chemical, volatile composition and bioactive compounds extracted from different fruit fractions of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Wonderful. Juice variants evaluated included juice extracted without crushing the seeds using a juice extractor (arils), juice extracted by crushing the seeds using a blender (arils plus seed), juice extracted by pressing a whole fruit using a squeezer (whole fruit) and juice extracted from halved fruit using a commercial hand press juicer (halved fruit). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in total soluble solids (degrees Brix) content in pomegranate juice obtained from different fruit fractions. Juice extracted from halved fruit had higher titratable acidity (1.78 mg citric acid/100 mL), lower pH content (1.58) and juice yield (28.01%). The lowest citric acid content was observed in blended juice (18.96 g/L) and high juice colour (2.69). Fructose content did not vary in all extraction methods. Catechin and epicatechin were the most dominant flavonoids whereas gallic acid was the dominant phenolic acid identified in all extraction methods. The total phenolics, tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanin content in the investigated juice ranged from 138.36 to 289.94 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 mL, 120.00 to 267.10 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 mL, 23.35 to 50.39 mg catechin equivalent/100 mL, and 10.96 to 13.91 mg cyanidin 3-glucoside equivalent/100 mL crude juice, respectively. Furthermore, halved fruit juice had high radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power. The most abundant volatile compounds were ethyl acetate (21.35-31.45%) and 3-octanone (8.12-18.74%) in all the juice variants. Principal component analysis (PCA) also revealed that the chemical, volatile and bioactive compounds separated the investigated juice extraction method. The results of the study provide information on the importance of methods of extraction on the quality of pomegranate juice. (C) 2015 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:该研究调查了从石榴果实中不同果实馏分中提取的化学成分,挥发性成分和生物活性化合物。精彩。评估的果汁变体包括:使用榨汁机(榨汁机)提取而不榨取种子的汁液,使用搅拌器(榨汁机和种子)将种子压碎的汁液,使用榨汁机压榨整个水果(整个水果)提取的汁液和提取的汁液使用商用手动榨汁机从一半水果中取出(一半水果)。从不同水果馏分获得的石榴汁中总可溶性固形物(白利糖度)没有显着差异(P> 0.05)。从对分的水果中提取的果汁具有较高的可滴定酸度(1.78 mg柠檬酸/ 100 mL),较低的pH值(1.58)和果汁产率(28.01%)。混合果汁(18.96 g / L)和高果汁颜色(2.69)中柠檬酸含量最低。在所有提取方法中果糖含量均未变化。在所有提取方法中,儿茶素和表儿茶素是最主要的类黄酮,而没食子酸是主要的酚酸。被调查果汁中的总酚,单宁,类黄酮和花青苷含量范围为138.36至289.94 mg没食子酸当量/ 100 mL,120.00至267.10 mg没食子酸当量/ 100 mL,23.35至50.39 mg儿茶素当量/ 100 mL和10.96分别调至13.91 mg花青素3-葡萄糖苷当量/ 100 mL粗汁。此外,减半的果汁具有较高的自由基清除活性和还原铁的抗氧化能力。在所有果汁变体中,挥发性最大的化合物是乙酸乙酯(21.35-31.45%)和3-辛酮(8.12-18.74%)。主成分分析(PCA)还显示,化学成分,挥发性成分和生物活性成分将研究的果汁提取方法分开。研究结果提供了有关提取方法对石榴汁质量的重要性的信息。 (C)2015萨博。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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