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Comparison of Foraging Ability Between Solenopsis invicta and Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


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In this study, we investigated the foraging ability of the invasive ant Solenopsis invicta and native ant Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by measuring their searching and recruitment time for 5 types of food (sausage, sausage & honey, honey, mealworm and peanut oil) in infested wasteland and litchi orchards in south China. The searching time was determined by measuring the time required for the first ant to find the food. The recruitment time was determined by measuring the time torecruit 10 ants to the food which was placed on petri dish 30 cm away from nest entrances. 30 colonies each of T. melanocephalum and S. invicta were tested. In the infested wasteland, the searching time of S. invicta for sausage & honey, sausage, mealworm and honey and the recruitment time of S. invicta for sausage & honey, mealworm and honey were significantly longer than those of T. melanocephalum, but the searching time of these two species of ants for peanut oil was not significantly different. In the infested litchi orchard, the recruitment time of S. invicta for sausage was significantly longer than that of T. melanocephalum, while the recruitment time for the other four types of food was not significantly different between the two species of ants. The searching time for all the five types of food was not significantly different between the two species of ants in the infested litchi orchard.
机译:在这项研究中,我们通过测量五种食物(香肠,香肠和蜂蜜,蜂蜜,蜂蜜,粉虫和花生油)的搜索和募集时间,研究了入侵蚂蚁Solinopsis invicta和当地蚂蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum(膜翅目:Formicidae)的觅食能力。 )在中国南方出没的荒地和荔枝园。通过测量第一只蚂蚁找到食物所需的时间来确定搜索时间。招聘时间是通过测量将10只蚂蚁招募到放置在距离巢穴入口30 cm的皮氏培养皿上的食物上的时间来确定的。测试了黑头猪笼草和杀伤链球菌的30个菌落。在受感染的荒地上,S。invicta对香肠和蜂蜜,香肠,粉虫和蜂蜜的搜索时间以及S. invicta对香肠和蜂蜜,粉虫和蜂蜜的搜索时间明显长于T. melanocephalum。这两种蚂蚁寻找花生油的时间没有显着差异。在受害的荔枝果园中,S。invicta的香肠招募时间显着长于T. melanocephalum,而其他四种类型的食物的招募时间在两种蚂蚁之间没有显着差异。在荔枝果园中,两种蚂蚁对五种食物的搜索时间没有显着差异。



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