首页> 外文期刊>Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: Applications in Science and Engineering: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science >Correlated asynchronous behavior updating with a mixed strategy system in spatial prisoner's dilemma games enhances cooperation

Correlated asynchronous behavior updating with a mixed strategy system in spatial prisoner's dilemma games enhances cooperation


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A new model of mixed strategy system for spatial prisoner's dilemma games is proposed. As an alternative to the typical mixed strategy system, wherein a behavior of either cooperation or defection is stochastically determined for each neighbor based on the agent's overall strategy, in our mixed strategy system, the agent instead correlates his strategies with those of his neighbors. For example, he tends to offer cooperation more frequently to his neighbor who is cooperative more often. This model provides results with significantly enhanced cooperation compared with those obtained with the conventional mixed strategy model. Interestingly, some of the evolutionary paths followed under strong dilemma situations can be divided into two specific periods: Defector-Enduring (D-END), when the number of defectors rapidly decreases, and the subsequent Defector-Expanding (D-EXP), when the surviving defectors' clusters start to expand, allowing the global cooperation fraction to fall to a lower level. The D-END and D-EXP periods seem analogous to the END and EXP periods presented by the author in previous studies. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:提出了一种空间囚徒困境博弈混合策略系统的新模型。作为典型混合策略系统的替代方案(在该混合策略系统中,根据代理的总体策略为每个邻居随机确定合作或叛逃的行为),在我们的混合策略系统中,代理将其策略与邻居的策略相关联。例如,他倾向于更频繁地向合作频繁的邻居提供合作。与使用常规混合策略模型获得的结果相比,该模型提供了显着增强的合作结果。有趣的是,在激烈的困境中遵循的某些进化路径可以分为两个特定的时期:叛逃者的持久性(D-END),当叛逃者的数量迅速减少时,以及随后的扩张者的扩张(D-EXP),当幸存的叛逃者群体开始扩大,使全球合作比例下降到较低水平。 D-END和D-EXP周期似乎类似于作者在先前研究中提出的END和EXP周期。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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