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The 'hows', 'whos', and 'whens' of screening: gynaecologists' perspectives on cervical cancer screening in urban Sweden.


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Population-based screening has contributed to decreased mortality in cervical cancer. However, the 'hows', 'whos' and 'whens' of screening still concern health professionals and policy makers. As part of a research project aimed at examining a population-based cervical cancer screening program (PCCSP) from different stakeholders' perspectives, the aim of this qualitative interview study was to elucidate the views of gynaecologists, working in both public and private settings, as stakeholders in the PCCSP in the county of Stockholm, Sweden. Results from semi structured interviews with 17 physicians indicate ambiguity in their descriptions of the purpose of both the PCCSP and smear testing in general, leading to different views about appropriate time intervals for Pap-smear testing. The gynaecologists also described experiencing a number of dilemmas related to information content and provision-both prior to screening and in relation to test results. In addition, the gynaecologists tended to differentiatemorally through choice of language between women who participate in some form of screening and non-attendees of the PCCSP. There also appeared to be distinctions in how these gynaecologists conceptualised and discussed women receiving Pap-smears, dependent on whether they were regarded as within the category of 'my patients' (seen by the gynaecologist in a private or public setting) or 'the population' (women unknown to the gynaecologist). This study indicates the importance of comprehensively analysing the context of professionals' work when attempting to understand professional attitudes. Seeming disparities in attitudes as well as varying practices may be explained by the simultaneous existence of multiple value systems, applied to different patient populations, as found in this study.
机译:基于人群的筛查有助于降低宫颈癌的死亡率。但是,筛查的“方法”,“人员”和“时间”仍然与卫生专业人员和政策制定者有关。作为旨在从不同利益相关者的角度检查基于人群的子宫颈癌筛查程序(PCCSP)的研究项目的一部分,此定性访谈研究的目的是阐明在公共场所和私人场所工作的妇科医生的观点。瑞典斯德哥尔摩县PCCSP的利益相关者。对17位医生进行的半结构式访谈得出的结果表明,他们对PCCSP和涂片检查的目的总体上含糊不清,从而导致对涂片涂片检查的适当时间间隔的看法不一。妇科医生还描述了在筛查之前以及与测试结果有关的许多与信息内容和提供有关的难题。此外,妇科医生倾向于通过在参加某种形式筛查的妇女与未参加PCCSP的妇女之间选择语言来区别对待。这些妇科医生对接受子宫颈抹片检查的妇女的概念和讨论方式似乎也有区别,这取决于她们是属于“我的患者”类别(由妇科医生在私人或公共场所见过)还是“人群”类别中。 '(妇科医师不知道的妇女)。这项研究表明,在试图理解专业态度时,全面分析专业人士工作环境的重要性。在这项研究中发现,似乎存在态度差异以及不同做法的现象可能是由于同时存在适用于不同患者人群的多种价值体系所致。



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