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Adjustment disorders after severe life-events in four postconflict settings.


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BACKGROUND: The present study explores whether severe life-events are associated with adjustment disorders (AD) by reanalyzing the data of a multisite epidemiological survey (de Jong et al. in Lancet 361:2128-2130, 2003). AD were diagnosed according to the new stress-response-model of AD (Maercker et al. in Psychopathology 40(3):135-146, 2007). METHOD: Data from 3048 persons from four different refugee settings in Ethiopia, Algeria, Gaza, and Cambodia were reanalyzed. Life events were assessed by an adapted version of the Life Events and Social History Interview (Mollica et al. in Am J Psychiatry 144:1567-1572, 1987). The current study focuses on non-directly life threatening events related to AD (e.g. loss of property) in contrast to life-threatening events related to Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD). AD Symptom measures were obtained from available psychopathology assessments: composite international diagnostic interview (WHO in CIDI, Geneva, 1997) and structured interview for disorders of extreme stress (Pelcovitz et al. J Trauma Stress 10:3-16, 1997). RESULTS: The majority of the subjects had experienced one or more AD-related life event. Most common AD-related life events varied across the four sites with bad shelter conditions most prevalent in Ethiopia (100%) and Gaza (32%), forced social isolation in Algeria (61%), and lack of food in Cambodia (41%). Prevalences of AD diagnoses ranged from 6% (Ethiopia) to 40% (Algeria). The highest rates of comorbidity were between AD and PTSD, followed by anxiety disorders. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that the new concept of AD can be of use for psychiatric epidemiology, e.g., in migration contexts. The high-comorbidity rates could indicate that AD and PTSD are parts of a stress response spectrum.
机译:背景:本研究通过重新分析多站点流行病学调查的数据(de Jong等人,柳叶刀361:2128-2130,2003),探讨了严重的生活事件是否与调节障碍(AD)有关。根据新的AD应激反应模型诊断AD(Maercker等人,Psychopathology 40(3):135-146,2007)。方法:对来自埃塞俄比亚,阿尔及利亚,加沙和柬埔寨的四个不同难民环境的3048人的数据进行了重新分析。通过对生活事件和社会历史访谈的改编版来评估生活事件(Mollica等人,Am J Psychiatry 144:1567-1572,1987)。当前的研究集中于与AD相关的非直接威胁生命的事件(例如财产损失),而与创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)相关的威胁生命的事件则相反。 AD的症状测量是从可用的心理病理学评估中获得的:综合国际诊断性访谈(WHO in CIDI,日内瓦,1997年)和针对极端压力障碍的结构化访谈(Pelcovitz等人,J Trauma Stress 10:3-16,1997)。结果:大多数受试者经历了一个或多个与AD相关的生活事件。在这四个地点,最常见的与AD相关的生活事件各不相同,其中住房状况恶劣在埃塞俄比亚(100%)和加沙(32%)最普遍,阿尔及利亚被迫社会隔离(61%),柬埔寨缺乏食物(41%) )。 AD诊断的患病率从6%(埃塞俄比亚)到40%(阿尔及利亚)不等。合并症的发生率最高的是AD和PTSD,其次是焦虑症。结论:本研究表明,AD的新概念可用于精神病流行病学,例如在移徙情况下。高合并症率可能表明AD和PTSD是应激反应谱的一部分。



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