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US Television's 'Mean World' for White Women: The Portrayal of Gender and Race on Fictional Crime Dramas


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A quantitative content analysis examined gender and racial stereotypes concerning victim and offender status in fictional crime-based dramas from the 2010-2013 seasons of basic cable television programming in the U.S. Coders documented variables for 983 characters across 65 episodes of television. The study predicted male television characters would stand greater chance than female television characters of being perpetrators of violence and crime. Meanwhile, female television characters would stand greater chance than male television characters of being victims of crime and violence. A z-test of proportions supported these hypotheses, except when it came to a comparison of male and female television characters who appeared as victims of violence. A research question addressed the gender (male, female) and racial (Black, White) composition of crime and violence perpetration and victimization. Chi square and z-test analyses confirmed White female television characters stood greater chance of being victims of crime than White male, Black female, and Black male television characters. White female television characters stood the greatest chance of being victims who suffer serious harm or death. White women stood a greater chance of being rape or sexual assault victims, being victims of serious harm at the hands of an assailant, and being attacked by a stranger. Cultivation theory informed the discussion, proposing that persistent exposure to such stereotypical content may nurture skewed perceptions concerning the prevalence of crime targeting women, and especially White women, in the real world.
机译:定量内容分析检查了2010年至2013年美国基于基本有线电视节目的虚构犯罪类戏剧中有关受害人和犯罪者地位的性别和种族刻板印象。编码人员记录了65集电视中983个字符的变量。这项研究预测,男性电视角色比女性电视角色更有可能成为暴力和犯罪的肇事者。同时,女性电视角色比男性电视角色更容易成为犯罪和暴力的受害者。 Z检验比例支持了这些假设,除非涉及到比较作为暴力受害者的男女电视角色。一个研究问题涉及犯罪和暴力行为及受害的性别(男性,女性)和种族(黑人,白人)组成。卡方检验和z检验分析证实,白人女性电视角色比白人男性,黑人女性和黑人男性电视角色更有可能成为犯罪受害者。白人女性电视角色最有可能成为遭受严重伤害或死亡的受害者。白人妇女更有可能成为强奸或性侵犯的受害者,成为在袭击者手中受到严重伤害的受害者,并遭到陌生人的攻击。修养理论为讨论提供了依据,并提出,持续暴露于这种定型观念内容可能会使人们误以为是针对现实世界中针对妇女特别是白人妇女的犯罪盛行的观念。



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