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France : New drug ad vetting system will need careful promotional planning


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Pharmaceutical companies wanting to promote their medicines to French health professionals now have another bureaucratic hurdle to leap, thanks to the regulatory reform introduced in the wake of the Mediator drug affairFrom June, all promotional materials for prescription drugs has to be vetted by the regulatory agency, ANSM, before they can be used. Whereas previously companies could simply send copies of the materials to the regulator and then go ahead and distribute them, now they must first apply to ANSM for a permit (dubbed "visa PM" -"prescription medicale") for each promotional item. Moreover, if a product is the subject of a benefit-risk review following a safety signal, it cannot be promoted until the review is completed. Companies will need to check their promotional content very carefully before submitting it to the regulator; they will also need to plan promotional campaigns well in advance to take account of both the time taken to issue a permit and the possibility that it might be refused.
机译:希望向法国卫生专业人员推广其药品的制药公司现在有了另一个官僚主义的障碍,这要归功于调解员毒品事件之后实施的监管改革。从六月开始,所有处方药的促销材料必须由监管机构审核, ANSM,然后才能使用它们。以前,公司可以简单地将材料的副本发送给监管机构,然后继续分发它们,而现在,它们必须首先向ANSM申请每个促销品的许可证(称为“签证PM”-“医疗处方”)。此外,如果产品在安全信号后成为受益风险评估的对象,则在评估完成之前不能推广产品。公司在将促销内容提交给监管机构之前需要非常仔细地检查其内容;他们还需要提前计划促销活动,以考虑签发许可证所花费的时间以及拒绝签发许可证的可能性。



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