首页> 外文期刊>Seed Science Research >Reproductive biology of Tephroseris longifolia subsp moravica, an endemic taxon of European importance

Reproductive biology of Tephroseris longifolia subsp moravica, an endemic taxon of European importance

机译:Tephroseris longifolia亚种摩拉维亚的生殖生物学,一种欧洲重要的地方性分类

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Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica (Asteraceae) is an endangered narrow endemic taxon recently recorded from nine sites in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We provide the first consistent information on its reproductive biology - mating system, seed output, germination, seedling emergence and survival. Based on results from isolation, hybridization and emasculation experiments on different subspecies, T. longifolia s.l. should be treated as an allogamous taxon without apomictic reproduction. Five populations of T. l. moravica were studied in detail for seed output and germination characteristics. The output of well-developed seeds per flowering shoot was estimated to be 592 (1125 seeds per flowering plant). A granivorous butterfly, Phycitodes albatella (family Pyralidae), was identified as a pest, reducing seed output by 18-28%. Germination (reaching 30-62% after dry storage for 4 months) rapidly decreased with storage in room conditions. Deep freeze storage increased germination, although not significantly. Seeds obtained from natural populations had higher germination percentages and germinated faster than seeds from cultivated plants. Seedling emergence in situ was very low (0.9-2.06% of the sown seeds) without significant differences among sites.
机译:长叶生香亚种。摩拉维亚(菊科)是一种濒临灭绝的狭窄地方生物分类群,最近在斯洛伐克和捷克共和国的9个地点记录到。我们提供有关其生殖生物学的第一个一致信息-交配系统,种子产量,萌发,幼苗出苗和生存。基于对不同亚种长叶木犀(T. longifolia s.l.)进行分离,杂交和去雄实验的结果。应被视为没有无融合生殖的同种异体分类单元。 T. l。的五个种群详细研究了摩拉维亚的种子产量和发芽特性。每个开花芽中发育良好的种子的产量估计为592(每个开花植物1125种子)。肉质蝴蝶,Phycitodes albatella(Pyralidae家族)被确认为害虫,种子产量减少了18-28%。室温下储存,发芽率(干燥储存4个月后达到30-62%)迅速下降。深度冷冻储存虽然不明显,但会增加发芽。从自然种群获得的种子比从栽培植物获得的种子具有更高的发芽率和更快的发芽率。原位幼苗出苗率非常低(占播种种子的0.9-2.06%),各部位之间没有显着差异。



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