首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. >Family decision-making in advanced dementia: narrative and ethics.

Family decision-making in advanced dementia: narrative and ethics.


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BACKGROUND: Traditionally, family members become decision-makers for ageing parents with cognitive impairment. Our understanding of how families negotiate the ethical issues in this decision-making is still developing. AIM: To describe and understand the ethical thinking used in end-of-life decision-making by family surrogates on behalf of their cognitively impaired elders. METHODS: Qualitative research with eight focus groups that included 39 family members of severely impaired nursing home residents in Minnesota. Transcripts were analysed using a thematic approach. FINDINGS: The family surrogates described their decision-making as a process based in the families' stories and as extensions of the elders' identities. Four themes emerged from the analysis of the families' decision-making: (i) acquisition of decision-making authority, (ii) decision-making for short-term or long-term time frames, (iii) justifying the decisions and (iv) advocacy for the elders. CONCLUSIONS: The families in these focus groups used the elders' life stories to frame their decisions for care. Providers working in primary care settings who work with families in making care decisions for cognitively impaired elderly patients may find narrative ethics more pertinent than principle-based ethics in understanding families' perspectives and priorities, while also recognizing their decision-making transition from using the principle of autonomy to that of beneficence.
机译:背景:传统上,家庭成员会成为患有认知障碍的老龄父母的决策者。我们对家庭在此决策中如何协商道德问题的理解仍在发展。目的:描述和理解代孕者代表其认知障碍的长者在临终决策中所使用的伦理思想。方法:定性研究有八个焦点小组,包括明尼苏达州严重受损的疗养院居民的39个家庭成员。使用主题方法分析成绩单。结果:家庭代孕者将他们的决策描述为基于家庭故事的过程以及对长者身份的扩展。对家庭决策的分析出现了四个主题:(i)获得决策权,(ii)短期或长期时间表的决策,(iii)为决策辩护和(iv )为长者辩护。结论:这些焦点小组的家庭利用长者的生活故事来制定他们的护理决定。在基层医疗机构中与家庭一起为认知障碍老年患者做出护理决定的提供者,在理解家庭的观点和优先事项时,可能会发现叙事伦理比基于原则的伦理更相关,同时也认识到他们从使用原则转变为决策的自主权。



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