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Effect of leg immobilization after knee surgery on muscle oxygenation and blood volume


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Introduction. -The aim of this study was to assess effects of a leg immobilization period following surgical of knee on muscle oxygenation (OXY) and blood volume (VS) monitored with Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).Methods and results. - Sixteen amateur soccer players having undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and eight healthy subjects (control group) took part in this study. From horizontal leg press, the subjects carried out a graded test on each leg. At each submaximal power (absolute values), OXY were significantly higher in non-surgical leg, on the other hand the data of the VS are identical in both legs. No difference was observed for the control group. Conclusion. -The technique of near infrared spectrometry could objectify the peripheral adaptations in response to a phase of reduced activity.
机译:介绍。 -这项研究的目的是评估膝关节手术后腿部固定期对近红外光谱(NIRS)监测的肌肉氧合(OXY)和血容量(VS)的影响。方法和结果。 -16名接受前十字韧带重建的业余足球运动员和8名健康受试者(对照组)参加了这项研究。通过水平压腿,受试者对每条腿进行了分级测试。在每个次最大功率(绝对值)下,非手术腿的OXY明显较高,另一方面,两个腿的VS数据相同。对照组没有观察到差异。结论。 -近红外光谱技术可以客观化地响应于活动减少的阶段的外围适应。



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