首页> 外文期刊>Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry >(Dibenzo-18-Crown-6)potassium Tetrachloroferrate(III): Synthesis and Crystal Structure

(Dibenzo-18-Crown-6)potassium Tetrachloroferrate(III): Synthesis and Crystal Structure


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A new complex [K(Db18C6)]~+[FeCl4]~- (I) is synthesized and its structure is studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals are triclinic: space group P1,a= 17.998, b = 18.670, c = 19.590 A, α = 106.61°, β = 104.55°, γ=113.87°, Z = 8. The structure is solved by a direct method and refined by the full-matrix least-squares method in the anisotropic approximation to R = 0.057 by 13 670 independent reflections (CAD-4 automated diffractometer, λMoK_α). All the four independent complex cations [K(Db18C6)]~+ are host-guest, and in each complex cation the K~+ cation is localized in the cavity of the Db8C6 crown ligand. The coordination polyhedron of K~+ (coordination number nine) is a distorted hexagonal bipyramid with the base of all six O atoms of the Db18C6 ligand, the axial vertex at the Cl atom of the [FeCl4]~- anion, and another bifurcated axial vertex at two Cl atoms of another [FeCL4]~- anion. All the four independent [FeCL4]~- anions are orientationally disordered and have somewhat distorted tetrahedral structure. In crystal I, the alternating complex cations [K(Db18C6)]~+ and [FeCL4]~- anions form infinite polymer chains by the K-Cl bonds.
机译:合成了新的配合物[K(Db18C6)]〜+ [FeCl4]〜-(I),并通过X射线衍射分析研究了其结构。晶体是三斜晶体:空间群P1,a = 17.998,b = 18.670,c = 19.590 A,α= 106.61°,β= 104.55°,γ= 113.87°,Z = 8。通过全矩阵最小二乘法以13670个独立反射(CAD-4自动衍射仪,λMoK_α)将各向异性近似为R = 0.057。所有四个独立的复合阳离子[K(Db18C6)]〜+都是宿主客体,并且在每个复合阳离子中,K〜+阳离子位于Db8C6冠配体的腔中。 K〜+的配位多面体(配位数为9)是扭曲的六面体双锥体,其Db18C6配体的所有六个O原子,[FeCl4]〜-阴离子的Cl原子的轴向顶点以及另一个分叉的轴向在另一个[FeCL4]-阴离子的两个Cl原子处形成一个顶点。四个独立的[FeCL4]-阴离子均取向异常,四面体结构有些扭曲。在晶体I中,交替的复合阳离子[K(Db18C6)] +和[FeCL4]-阴离子通过K-Cl键形成无限的聚合物链。



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