首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >Accuracy of Ellipsometric Monitoring during Growth of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Accuracy of Ellipsometric Monitoring during Growth of Semiconductor Nanostructures


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The determination accuracy of the parameters of multilayer structures during their in situ ellipso-metric monitoring is analyzed. A qualitative criterion is proposed that makes it possible to evaluate the validity of replacement of the multilayer structure by a certain medium with effective optical constants. According to this criterion, this replacement is possible if the complex reflection coefficients R_(p, s) of the structure satisfy the relation (R_(p)/R_(s) + cos2phi)/(R_(s) + R_(p)cos2phi) velence 1, where phi is the angle of incidence of light. It is shown that, for structures consisting of layers with a high refractive index, this condition is implemented with a high accuracy. This proves that, upon the successive solution of the ellipsometry problem for layers of this structure, errors are not accumulated. In particular, this inference can be applied to structures based on a cadmium-mercury-tellurium ternary compound.
机译:分析了多层结构原位椭圆形监测中各参数的确定精度。提出了定性标准,该标准使得可以评估具有有效光学常数的某种介质替代多层结构的有效性。根据此标准,如果结构的复反射系数R_(p,s)满足关系(R_(p)/ R_(s)+ cos2phi)/(R_(s)+ R_(p),则可以进行替换cos2phi)velence 1,其中phi是光的入射角。可以看出,对于由具有高折射率的层组成的结构,可以高精度地实现该条件。这证明,对于该结构的层,在椭圆计问题的连续解决方案上,不会累积误差。特别地,该推论可以应用于基于镉-汞-碲三元化合物的结构。



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